obmtool and more than one CPU

Andreas Gungl Andreas.Gungl at osp-dd.de
Tue Jan 17 10:51:25 CET 2006

Am Montag, 16. Januar 2006 22:49 schrieb Patrick Noffke:
> > building Kolab via the obmtool? Is there any env setting available to
> > force a "make -j ..." or so?
> I think it's:
> export MAKEFLAGS=-j2

No, that MAKEOPT / MAKEFLAGS stuff doesn't work.
I tracked it down to changing /kolab/etc/openpkg/rpmmacros as following:
#   tool options
#%l_mflags(O)             %(%{l_sane_env}; %{l_rpmtool} mflags %{-O:-O} %{l_make})
%l_mflags(O)             %(%{l_sane_env}; %{l_rpmtool} mflags -O %{l_make})
The -O flag will trigger the detection of the amount of CPU's in the machine. 
But I think there should be a better place to switch that -O globally. Anyone of the 
OpenPkg people around to answer that?


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