Proko2 client & IMAP quotas?

T. Ribbrock admin_slox-e at
Mon Feb 27 12:18:39 CET 2006

Hi all,

I'm wondering about how the Proko2 client deals with IMAP quotas. I've
searched the site and only found some mentioning with regard to
development and implementation of some features, but no details that were
helpful. Mainly, I'm looking for the following two things:

- When a user gets close to his/her mailquota, a message is displayed by
  kmail, stating that fact. However, this messages is displayed many, many
  times during a sync with the server, making usage of kmail (and thus
  cleaning up) difficult, as one has to click away that message so often.
  How can a user disable the display of this message in the client?

- Where in the client (or where at all) can a user see how much of the
  quota is used? I didn't find anything to that regard, neither in kmail,
  nor in the web interface.



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