Addendum: Different versions of spamassassin

Ger Apeldoorn g.apeldoorn at
Tue Dec 19 13:06:48 CET 2006

By all means, put it there..  Any ideas regarding the initial problem??

I've circumvented part of the problem by setting 
require_version 3.001000
#require_version 3.000003

in the files that generated errors 
(like /kolab/share/spamassassin/

This seems to work, but I cannot oversee if this has side effects. I would be 
happier if I could remove the cpan version and install the proper kolab 
version again.


Op dinsdag 19 december 2006 12:51, schreef Bernhard Reiter:
> On Tuesday 19 December 2006 07:57, Ger Apeldoorn wrote:
> > Just stop spamassassin
> >
> > opa
> > openpkg rc spamassassin stop
> >
> > then do:
> > amavisd -c /kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf debug-sa
> >
> > Debug output goes to the console.
> > When you've seen enough fly by:
> >
> > kill the running debugging process (ctrl-c)
> > openpkg rc spamassassin start
> >
> > That's all to it...
> Maybe that is one for the wiki as well.

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