newbie needs your guidance

Ger Apeldoorn g.apeldoorn at
Mon Dec 18 08:35:53 CET 2006

This will probably be resolved if you add the interface as I've discribed.

If the message persists, disable your webserver during installation of kolab 
temporarily. If you configure both to listen only to their own addresses, 
they can both work simultaneously.


Op maandag 18 december 2006 06:50, schreef JOYDEEP:
> Dear list,
> I have fixed one problem. I have added the "     localhost"
> in /etc/hosts file. and now after executing
>  # /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b
> it reports
> Check for running webserver on port 80
> Error: Found webserver running on Port 80
> Check your installation!
> You must stop the service webserver before running Kolab
> You may try to execute "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop" initially
> please note I have egw running in the same server under lampp.
> kindly show me the way to run kolab here..
> thanks
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