Take over changes in template files, mail for multiple domains

Kai Hildebrandt kai.hildebrandt at dtnet.de
Wed Dec 13 10:59:58 CET 2006


Am Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2006 10:38 schrieb Divan Santana:
> On Wednesday 13 December 2006 11:21, you wrote:
> > Just another question:
> >
> > When I now want to add someuser at example.com (my new domain) I got
> > "user is not in domain myolddomain.com". I want to listen for both
> > domains and create users for both domains.
> >
> > Do I have to change something else?
> Yes you have to make an alias for that user to the other address eg
> user at example.com alias.
> See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KolabMailServer for some info
> on that

OK. But that means that I create a user with my "real" domain and just 
add an alias to the new domain mail address.

Is is possible to configure kolab (2.0.4) to feel responsible for two 
(or more) domains, including user accounts?

The User shall have hisname at newdomain.com as primary mail address. There 
should be no mail alias to the other domain. Is this possible with 
kolab 2.0?


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