Horde installation problems

Chuck Dand chuckd at kooked.co.uk
Thu Aug 17 00:49:56 CEST 2006

Had the same problem with installing horde the other week. Found that if 
you follow the install guide on the horde website, and sort of mix and 
match between the horde official install, and the one on the kolab wiki 
you can get horde working.

Also found it easier to get just the horde framework working first 
without IMP or any of the other bits, and then once that going you can 
get IMP working. Haven't tried progressing farther with any of the other 
bits yet as I'm not so sure if they work or not.

I hope that makes sense.

Lars Bakker wrote:
> Hello all,
> I followed the instructions for installing horde with the Kolab2 server, but
> there is a problem, which I'm not quite sure how to solve.
> After downloading the cvs-version of horde I wanted to install it using to
> command 
> # /kolab/bin/php install-packages.php
> But it fails telling me that there are
> # No handlers for package.xml version 2.0
> Is this problem related to the version of php included in the Kolab2
> openkpk-environment?
> What should I do to solve it?
> regards,
> Lars Bakker
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Chuck Dand

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