Remove emails from deferred queu

Thomas Arendsen Hein thomas at
Tue Aug 8 10:53:16 CEST 2006

* Richard Bos <radoeka at> [20060807 23:11]:
> Is it possible to remove emails from postfix' defer queu?
> The messages in the defer queu are there, to tell people that their message 
> could not be delivered.  That problem is fixed now and as such the 'can not 
> deliver' emails are not necessary to send anylonger.  They can not be send 
> anyway as there is no smtp path configured.
> Using postqueu -f does not make the deferred emails go away.  Can you just 
> remove the emails from the defer directory?
> [/var/spool/postfix] # find active/ defer* -type f
> defer/8/8E07D2458FB
> ...

postsuper -d is your friend, see /kolab/bin/openpkg man postsuper
for important details.


Email: thomas at

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