Razor how to

Andrea Soliva soliva at comcept.ch
Mon Aug 7 15:09:36 CEST 2006

how hope it helps....! Razor must be initialized with the correct rights!

PS: I hope the format of the mail is not too ugly...!

      * 276.0 Zusaetzlich Vipul's Razor2 fuer Kolab2 *

276.1) Als zusaetzliche Erweiterung werden wir "Razor2" installieren.
Dieses Tool
       wird sich ebenfalls in "Amavisd-New" integrieren. Wir erstellen ein
       Verzeichnis und werden die Source kompilieren. Die Source ist ein
Perl Module
       und wird sich automatisch ins Perl Verzeichnis installieren:

	# mkdir /kolabtmp/razor2
	# cd /kolabtmp/razor2
	# mv razor-agents-2.81.tar.gz /kolabtmp/razor2
	# bzip2 -dc razor-agents-2.81.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
	# cd razor-agents-2.81

      Jetzt koennen wir die Source kompilieren, testen und installieren.
Achte darauf
      das die richtige Perl Version genutzt wird:

	# opa /kolab
	# which perl

	# /kolab/bin/perl Makefile.PL

	--------------- Makefile.PL ---------------

	Checking if your kit is complete...
	Looks good
	Checking if your kit is complete...
	Looks good
	Writing Makefile for Razor2::Preproc::deHTMLxs
	Writing Makefile for razor-agents

	--------------- Makefile.PL ---------------

	# /kolab/bin/make
	# /kolab/bin/make test
	# /kolab/bin/make install

276.2) Als naechstes verifizieren wir mit dem "razor-client" Kommando ob
die betreffenden
       "symlinks" generiert wurden:

	# /kolab/bin/razor-client

	--------------- /kolab/bin/razor-client ---------------

	This program is deprecated and no longer necessary. You may begin using
Razor now.

	--------------- /kolab/bin/razor-client ---------------

275.3) Nun als naechstes werden wir das Homeverzeichnis von "Razor2"
erstellen. Beachte
       bitte bei der nachfolgenden Anweisungen das diese Anweisungen mit
dem entsprechenden
       "user" ausgefuehrt werden muessen:

	# mkdir /kolab/.razor
	# chown kolab-r:kolab-r /kolab/.razor
	# su - kolab-r
	$ pwd
	$ /kolab/bin/razor-admin -create
	$ exit

	# ls -la /kolab/.razor

	drwxr-xr-x    2 kolab-r  kolab         512 Nov  7 11:07 .
	drwxr-xr-x   18 kolab    kolab         512 Nov  7 11:06 ..
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r       698 Nov  7 11:07 razor-agent.conf
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r       212 Nov  7 11:07 razor-agent.log
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r       484 Nov  7 11:07
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        20 Nov  7 11:07
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        22 Nov  7 11:07
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        38 Nov  7 11:07

	ACHTUNG Mit der Variable "-create" wird explizit das File "razor-agent.conf"
	******* angelegt. Dieses File wird im Verzeichnis ".razor" des jeweiligen
    		abgelegt der das Kommando "razor-admin -create" ausfuehrt.

		Existiert das File "/etc/razor/razor-agent.conf" werden die Einstellungen
		von diesem File uebernommen fuer das  "razor-angent.conf" File des Users.

		Existiert das File in "/etc/razor/razor-agent.conf" nicht so werden
		Standard Werte in das File "razor-agent.conf" des Users geladen.

		Das Verzeichnis ".razor" sowie alle darin befindlichen und neu erstellten
		Dateien werden mit den Rechten des jeweiligen Users versehen der das
  		Kommando "razor-admin -create" abgesetzt hat.

276.4) Als naechstes muessen wir uns mit dem "Razor-Netzwerk"
authentifizieren. Dies kann
       auf vers. Weise geschehen dh. mit Username und Passwort oder mit
einer E-Mail
       Adresse usw. Wir waehlen die Variante "Username/Passwort". Auch
dieser Befehl MUSS
       als User "kolab-r" abgesetzt werden wie im vorherigem Punkt:

	# su - kolab-r
	$ pwd
	$ /kolab/bin/razor-admin -register -user=emailadresse at domain.ch
	Register successful.  Identity stored in
/kolab/.razor/identity-xxxxxxx at domain.ch
	$ exit

	# ls -la /kolab/.razor

	drwxr-xr-x    2 kolab-r  kolab-r       512 Nov  7 11:13 .
	drwxr-xr-x   18 kolab-r  kolab-r       512 Nov  7 11:06 ..
	lrwxrwxrwx    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        29 Nov  7 11:13 identity ->
identity-xxxxxxx at domain.ch
	-rw-------    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        80 Nov  7 11:13
identity-xxxxxxx at domain.ch
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r       698 Nov  7 11:07 razor-agent.conf
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r       964 Nov  7 11:13 razor-agent.log
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r       484 Nov  7 11:07
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        20 Nov  7 11:07
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        22 Nov  7 11:07
	-rw-r--r--    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        38 Nov  7 11:07

276.5) Als naechstes werden wir die Log Datei anlegen sowie ein neues Home
fuer Razor2 denn
       wir moechten dieses nicht im "/kolab/.razor" sondern im

       Damit Razor2 weiss wo sich das Verzeichnis befindet werden wir dies
inkl. der Log
       Daei konfigurieren und zwar im konfig File von Razor2
"razor-agent.conf" das sich
       im Home Dir von Razor2 befindet:

	# touch /kolab/var/amavisd/razor-agent.log
	# chown kolab-r:kolab-r /kolab/var/amavisd/razor-agent.log
	# chmod 644 /kolab/var/amavisd/razor-agent.log

	# vi /kolab/.razor/razor-agent.conf

	--------------- /kolab/.razor/razor-agent.conf ---------------

	# Razor2 config file
	# Autogenerated by Razor-Agents v2.77
	# Mon Nov  7 11:07:46 2005
	# Created with all default values
	# see razor-agent.conf(5) man page

	razorhome              = /kolab/var/amavisd/.razor
	debuglevel             = 3
	identity               = identity
	ignorelist             = 0
	listfile_catalogue     = servers.catalogue.lst
	listfile_discovery     = servers.discovery.lst
	listfile_nomination    = servers.nomination.lst
	logfile                = /kolab/var/amavisd/razor-agent.log
	logic_method           = 4
	min_cf                 = ac
	razordiscovery         = discovery.spamnet.com
	rediscovery_wait       = 172800
	report_headers         = 1
	turn_off_discovery     = 0
	use_engines            = 4,8
	whitelist              = razor-whitelist

	--------------- /kolab/.razor/razor-agent.conf ---------------

	# cp -Rp /kolab/.razor /kolab/var/amavisd/

	# su - kolab-r
	# pwd

	$ /kolab/bin/razor-admin -d -create -home=/kolab/var/amavisd/.razor

      Das Verzeichnis "/kolab/.razor" ist nun nicht mehr notwendig und
kann geloescht werden:

	# rm -rf /kolab/.razor

276.6) Nun betreffend Razor2 Home Dir ist alles getan. Es muss jedoch nun
"amavisd" mitgeteilt
       werden wo sich Razor2 befindet. Dies geschieht im File "local.cf":

	# vi /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf

	--------------- /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf ---------------

	# This is the right place to customize your installation of SpamAssassin.
	# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details of what can be
	# tweaked.

	rewrite_header Subject ****SPAM(_SCORE_)****

	## lock_method flock
	# If you are using a UNIX machine with all database files on local disks,
	# and no sharing of those databases across NFS filesystems, you can use a
	# more efficient, but non-NFS-safe, locking mechanism.   Do this by adding
	# the line "lock_method flock" to the /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
	# file. This is strongly recommended if you're not using NFS, as it is
	# much faster than the NFS-safe locker.
	lock_method flock

	## report_safe { 0 | 1 | 2 } (default: 1)
	# if this option is set to 1, if an incoming message is
	# tagged as spam, instead of modifying the original message,
	# SpamAssassin will create a new report message and attach
	# the original message as a message/rfc822 MIME part (ensuring
	# the original message is completely preserved, not easily
	# opened, and easier to recover).
	# If this option is set to 2, then original messages will
	# be attached with a content type of text/plain instead of
	# message/rfc822. This setting may be required for safety
	# reasons on certain broken mail clients that automatically
	# load attachments without any action by the user. This
	# setting may also make it somewhat more difficult to
	# extract or view the original message.
	report_safe 1

	## use_bayes ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use the naive-Bayesian-style classifier built
	# into SpamAssassin.
	use_bayes 1

	## bayes_path /path/to/file (default: ~/.spamassassin/bayes)
	# Path for Bayesian probabilities databases. Several databases
	# will be created, with this as the base, with _toks, _seen etc.
	# appended to this filename; so the default setting results in
	# files called ~/.spamassassin/bayes_seen, ~/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
	# etc. By default, each user has their own, in their ~/.spamassassin
	# directory with mode 0700/0600, but for system-wide SpamAssassin
	# use, you may want to reduce disk space usage by sharing this
	# across all users. (However it should be noted that Bayesian
	# filtering appears to be more effective with an individual
	# database per user.)
	bayes_path /kolab/var/amavisd/.spamassassin/bayes

	## use_razor2 ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use Razor version 2, if it is available.
	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X razor would not be anymore enabled
	# in this file. Use instead v310.pre file to enable.
	use_razor2 1
	razor_config /kolab/var/amavisd/.razor/razor-agent.conf
	razor_timeout 10

	# use_dcc ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use DCC, if it is available.
	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X razor would not be anymore enabled
	# in this file. Use instead v310.pre file to enable.
	use_dcc 1
	dcc_home /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.31
	dcc_path /kolab/opt/dcc-dccd-1.3.31/bin/dccproc
	dcc_timeout 10

	## use_pyzor ( 0 | 1 ) (default 1)
	# Whether to use Pyzor, if it is available.
	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X razor would not be anymore enabled
	# in this file. Use instead v310.pre file to enable.
	#use_pyzor 0

	## add_header
	# DCC processing creates a message header containing the
	# statistics for the message. This option sets whether SpamAssassin
	# will add the heading to messages it processes. The default is to
	# not add the header.
	add_header all DCC _DCCB_: _DCCR_

	## dns_available { yes | test[: name1 name2...] | no } (default: test)
	# By default, SpamAssassin will query some default hosts on the internet
	# to attempt to check if DNS is working on not. The problem is that it
	# can introduce some delay if your network connection is down, and in some
	# cases it can wrongly guess that DNS is unavailable because the test
	# connections failed. SpamAssassin includes a default set of 13 servers,
	# among which 3 are picked randomly.
	# You can however specify your own list by specifying
	# dns_available test: server1.tld server2.tld server3.tld
	# Please note, the DNS test queries for MX records so if you specify
	# your own list of servers, please make sure to choose the one(s)
	# which has an associated MX record.
	dns_available yes

	## skip_rbl_checks { 0 | 1 } (default: 0)
	# By default, SpamAssassin will run RBL checks. If your ISP
	# already does this for you, set this to 1
	skip_rbl_checks 0

	## header FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS      From =~ /\d+[a-z]+\d+\S*@/i
	header LOCAL_RCVD Received =~ /\S+\.domain\.com\s+\(.*\[.*\]\)/

	## describe FROM_HAS_MIXED_NUMS    From: contains numbers mixed in with
	describe LOCAL_RCVD Received from local machine

	## score SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME n.nn [ n.nn n.nn n.nn ]
	# Assign scores (the number of points for a hit) to a given test.
	# Scores can be positive or negative real numbers or integers.
	# SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME is the symbolic name used by SpamAssassin for that
	# test; for example, 'FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS'. If only one valid score is
	# listed, then that score is always used for a test.
	# If four valid scores are listed, then the score that is used depends
	# on how SpamAssassin is being used. The first score is used when both
	# Bayes and network tests are disabled. The second score is used when
	# Bayes is disabled, but network tests are enabled. The third score is
	# used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are disabled. The fourth
	# score is used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are enabled.
	# Setting a rule's score to 0 will disable that rule from running.
	# Note that test names which begin with '__' are reserved for meta-match
	# sub-rules, and are not scored or listed in the 'tests hit' reports.
	# If no score is given for a test, the default score is 1.0, or 0.01 for
	# tests whose names begin with 'T_' (this is used to indicate a rule in
	# testing).
	# By convention, rule names are be all uppercase and have a length of no
	# more than 22 characters.
	score LOCAL_RCVD -50
	score DCC_CHECK 4.000
	score RAZOR2_CHECK 2.500
	score SPF_FAIL 10.000
	score SPF_HELO_FAIL 10.000
	score BAYES_99 4.300
	#score BAYES_90 3.500
	score BAYES_95 3.500
	score BAYES_80 3.000

	# Up to Spamassassin v3.1.X score BAYES_90 doese not anymore
	# exist. Use instead BAYES_95 or 99

	## WHITE-LISTED SENDERS (the good guys):
	#whitelist_from   *.good-domain.net                # This domain is safe
	#whitelist_from   *@goodguys.com                   # These guys are ok
	#whitelist_from   dudley.duright at mounties.ca       # He never spams us

	## WHITE-LISTED RECEIVERS (no scanning for SPAM):
	#all_spam_to  spam-lover at companymail1.com          # He likes it

	## BLACK-LISTED SENDERS (the bad guys):
	#blacklist_from   *@badguys.com                     # nasty outlaws
	#blacklist_from   *@casino-fun.*                    # we don't want any
of this stuff

	## Additional DNSBL Servers
	# BNBL (The BlueShore Network Black List) bl.blueshore.net
	header RCVD_IN_BNBL eval:check_rbl('bl', 'bl.blueshore.net.')
	describe RCVD_IN_BNBL Listed by BNBL
	tflags RCVD_IN_BNBL net
	score RCVD_IN_BNBL 2

	--------------- /kolab/etc/spamassassin/local.cf ---------------

       Nun muss nur noch alles neu gestartet werden:

	# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all restart

276.7) Nun wenn es zu Problemen kommt und "amavisd" im "debug" Mode
ausgefuehrt werden soll
       kann dies mit folgender Modifikation errreicht werden:

	# vi /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# Turn on SpamAssassin debugging (output to STDERR, use with 'amavisd
	$sa_debug = 1;            # defaults to false

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

	# /kolab/sbin/amavisd \
	-c /kolab/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf debug

      Nach diesem Befehl sollte folgendes ersichtlich sein:

	--------------- amavisd debug output ---------------

	debug: Razor2 is available
	debug: entering helper-app run mode
	 Razor-Log: read_file: 16 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.158534 check[3931]: [ 2] [bootup] Logging initiated
LogDebugLevel=9 to stdout
	Nov 07 11:37:55.161126 check[3931]: [ 5] computed
ident=/kolab/var/amavisd/.razor/identity-emailadresse at domain.ch
	Nov 07 11:37:55.162283 check[3931]: [ 8] Client supported_engines: 4 8
	Nov 07 11:37:55.164157 check[3931]: [ 8]  prep_mail done: mail 1
headers=102, mime0=1376
	Nov 07 11:37:55.165651 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 1 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.167142 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 2 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.168436 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 1 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.170185 check[3931]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to
	Nov 07 11:37:55.171215 check[3931]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to
	Nov 07 11:37:55.172264 check[3931]: [ 9] Assigning defaults to
	Nov 07 11:37:55.176170 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 15 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.179146 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 15 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.181916 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 14 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.184676 check[3931]: [ 5] read_file: 14 items read from
	Nov 07 11:37:55.185846 check[3931]: [ 5] 158548 seconds before closest
server discovery
	Nov 07 11:37:55.186906 check[3931]: [ 6] shock.cloudmark.com is a
Catalogue Server srl 5086; computed min_cf=6, Server se: C8
	Nov 07 11:37:55.187921 check[3931]: [ 8] Computed supported_engines: 4 8
	Nov 07 11:37:55.188709 check[3931]: [ 8] Using next closest server
shock.cloudmark.com:2703, cached info srl 5086
	Nov 07 11:37:55.189387 check[3931]: [ 8] mail 1 has no subject
	Nov 07 11:37:55.191280 check[3931]: [ 6] preproc: mail 1.0 went from 1376
bytes to 1339
	Nov 07 11:37:55.192464 check[3931]: [ 6] computing sigs for mail 1.0, len
	Nov 07 11:37:55.204551 check[3931]: [ 6] Engine (8) didn't produce a
signature for mail 1.0
	Nov 07 11:37:55.205468 check[3931]: [ 6] skipping whitelist file
(empty?): /kolab/var/amavisd/.razor/razor-whitelist
	Nov 07 11:37:55.206406 check[3931]: [ 5] Connecting to
shock.cloudmark.com ...
	Nov 07 11:37:55.563637 check[3931]: [ 8] Connection established
	Nov 07 11:37:55.564620 check[3931]: [ 4] shock.cloudmark.com >> 36 server
greeting: sn=C&srl=5086&a=l&a=cg&ep4=7542-10
	Nov 07 11:37:55.566838 check[3931]: [ 4] shock.cloudmark.com << 25
	Nov 07 11:37:55.567390 check[3931]: [ 6] cn=razor-agents&cv=2.77
	Nov 07 11:37:55.568637 check[3931]: [ 6] shock.cloudmark.com is a
Catalogue Server srl 5086; computed min_cf=6, Server se: C8
	Nov 07 11:37:55.569668 check[3931]: [ 8] Computed supported_engines: 4 8
	Nov 07 11:37:55.570507 check[3931]: [ 8] mail 1.0 e4 sig:
	Nov 07 11:37:55.571295 check[3931]: [ 5] mail 1.0 e8 got no sig
	Nov 07 11:37:55.572009 check[3931]: [ 8] preparing 1 queries
	Nov 07 11:37:55.573005 check[3931]: [ 8] sending 1 batches
	Nov 07 11:37:55.573978 check[3931]: [ 4] shock.cloudmark.com << 52
	Nov 07 11:37:55.574515 check[3931]: [ 6]
	Nov 07 11:37:56.020280 check[3931]: [ 4] shock.cloudmark.com >> 5
	Nov 07 11:37:56.020888 check[3931]: [ 6] response to sent.2
	Nov 07 11:37:56.022640 check[3931]: [ 6] mail 1.0 e=4
sig=xFaZIZUVHk90OQfARnenjx5BZTMA: sig not found.
	Nov 07 11:37:56.023321 check[3931]: [ 7] method 4: mail 1.0:
no-contention part, spam=0
	Nov 07 11:37:56.023891 check[3931]: [ 7] method 4: mail 1: all
non-contention parts not spam, mail not spam
	Nov 07 11:37:56.024468 check[3931]: [ 3] mail 1 is not known spam.
	Nov 07 11:37:56.025095 check[3931]: [ 5] disconnecting from server
	Nov 07 11:37:56.026075 check[3931]: [ 4] shock.cloudmark.com << 5
	Nov 07 11:37:56.026600 check[3931]: [ 6] a=q
	debug: Using results from Razor v2.77

	--------------- amavisd debug output ---------------

      Wenn alles in Ordnung ist deaktiviere den "debug" Modus und starte
alle Services neu:

	# vi /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# Turn on SpamAssassin debugging (output to STDERR, use with 'amavisd
	$sa_debug = 1;            # defaults to false

	--------------- /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/amavisd.conf.template

	# /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

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