razor, pyzor, dcc, etc.

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at gentoo.org
Tue Aug 1 17:01:06 CEST 2006

Hi Andreas,

> I would like to configure Spamassassin to do distributed hash checking via 
> razor, etc. Is there anything special I need to take care of regarding kolab, 
> openpkg, amavisd? Anybody else running such a configuration?

This type of setup and it is indeed very effective concerning the
amount of spam that is being identified. I use it for the Kolab
version on Gentoo.

While there might be some minor differences (mainly concerning the
paths involved - the Gentoo version does not use the /kolab subdir)
you might find some information on this page:


The amavisd template file needs to be modified to activate remote testing:

$sa_local_tests_only = 0; 

And then you need additional templates for spamassassin:


Maybe that helps.



Gunnar Wrobel                    Gentoo Developer

Mail: wrobel at gentoo.org
WWW:  http://www.gunnarwrobel.de
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