Strange problems bootstrapping 2.0.3

Michael Leupold leupold at
Sat Apr 29 23:12:24 CEST 2006


Am Samstag, 29. April 2006 18:07 schrieb Michael Leupold:
> 2. My /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf contains the following:
> admins:		kolab-r
> defaultacl:	kolab-r lrswipcda
> while kolab.globals tells me:
> cyrus-admins : manager

I happened to find out what caused this. Some file-permissions were wrong 
(that's what kolabcheckperm said). It seems kolabconf hasn't been running 
successfully at all. After changing permissions manually, everything seems to 
work just fine. Unfortunately I didn't write down what kolabcheckperm gave me 
on its first run, but the most important part for me might have been:
File /kolab/etc/imapd/imapd.conf has the wrong persmissions/owner. Found 644 
kolab:kolab, expected 640 kolab:kolab-r
Please note that this is verbatim and the typo wasn't mine :)

The version I'm using now is 2.1-beta1 which still showed the above behaviour. 
Still no apache.local...


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