Howto install Razor2 plugin for SpamAssassin?

Gunnar Wrobel wrobel at
Thu Apr 13 14:20:58 CEST 2006

Ger Apeldoorn <g.apeldoorn at> writes:

> Hi, 
> I've got some extra info:
> This is from the /kolab/var/amavis/amavis.log file:

I would not necessarily expect this to show up in the amavis log file
since amavis will just load Spamassassin. I don't think it propagates
all sa information.

Try to shut down your amavisd server and run the following command:

amavisd debug-sa

Do you see something like this in the output?

[3928] dbg: plugin: registering glue method for check_razor2_range (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2=HASH(0x9fe94f8))
[3928] dbg: info: entering helper-app run mode
[3928] dbg: info: leaving helper-app run mode
[3928] dbg: razor2: results: spam? 0
[3928] dbg: razor2: results: engine 8, highest cf score: 0
[3928] dbg: razor2: results: engine 4, highest cf score: 0
[3928] dbg: plugin: registering glue method for check_razor2 (Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2=HASH(0x9fe94f8))

Gunnar Wrobel                    Gentoo Developer

Mail: wrobel at
IRC:  #gentoo-web at

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