Howto install Razor2 plugin for SpamAssassin?

Ger Apeldoorn g.apeldoorn at
Thu Apr 13 11:40:00 CEST 2006

Hi Gunnar,

Thanks a lot for your helpful reply!

However, it still does not work for me. Here's the X-Spam-Status of a testmail 
(not spam)
	X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-2.189 tagged_above=-5 required=5.3 tests=[AWL=0.275,
	 BAYES_00=-2.599, FORGED_RCVD_HELO=0.135

In your file, I saw this directive:
	razor_config /etc/mail/razor/razor-agent.conf

I dont have any file named that way. Could that be the problem?

I added this to my local.cnf:
	loadplugin     Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2
	use_razor2 1
	use_bayes 1
	report_safe 1

I thought that this would do the trick. Did I miss anything?

> Did you also set
> $sa_local_tests_only = 0;
> in your amavisd.conf.template at etc/kolab/templates ?

Yes, I did.. :)

> I also integrated razor2, pyzor and dcc into the Kolab/Gentoo
> version. Use is optional and users can turn on these external checks
> by setting the "spam" use flag.

Where/how should the users set the "spam" use flag?

> This is the that I use for the etc/kolab/templates directory:

I only have a file, not a template for this. Can I create this and 
will it find its way to the right position then?

> Regards,
> Gunnar

Many thanks,

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