status of syncml?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Tue Apr 11 14:58:06 CEST 2006

Am Samstag, 18. Februar 2006 18:44 schrieb Alan Hartless:
> Is there plans of syncml capabilities being included in Kolab?  I've
> googled around and see that maybe it is connected with the horde project. 
> Can someone tell me what the current status is and when will syncml be
> implemented in kolab (if it is to be implemented)?  If it already is, and
> is usuable enough, how can I go about adding it to my kolab server?

There are no specific plans to add syncml capabilities to my knowledge.
It is a long time wish, but the effort is not to be underestimated.
There once was a Kolab1 implementation for sync4j which has now 
been superceded by funabol if I remember correctly.
This was the farest it got.

The Kolab-Konsortium would like to have funding to do mobile devices
by server really nicely. So far we did not secure the funding.

> Reason I ask is that I want to be able to sync my pocket pc with kolab.
> Software is currently not developed enough to sync my pocket pc with
> kontact under Kde 3.5 so I can't go the direct sync route.

We improved KPilot a lot in the current KDE Kolab Client release 2.1.0,
but I guess that does not help you with your pocket pc.

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