Autentification users before send mail

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Fri Apr 7 12:43:17 CEST 2006

Am Mittwoch, 5. April 2006 17:21 schrieb Maxim Sorokin:
> We're using Kolab 2. 

Please be more specific. Kolab2 is a solution.
What kind of server and clients are you using?

> The problem is through our mail-server there is a lot 
> of spam (outgoing). I can't find the PC's (users) which send it. How can I
> setup autentification user before sending email? Where I can read smth?

All Kolab Server I know have the default setting that clients can only
connect and send out email with strong encryption and authentification.
Email traffic is logged in the postfix log (below /kolab/var/postfix/log/).

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