Network Config

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Fri Apr 7 12:28:00 CEST 2006

Am Donnerstag, 6. April 2006 02:45 schrieb Fabio Milano:
> Where should Kolab2 be placed within an Enterprise network. Is it safe
> within the LAN, or should it be in the DMZ (it will be used for
> email). What ports do Clients (Kontact, Aethera) need in order to use
> the Kolab2 server.

Kontact will need imaps, smtps, https.
Nice to have would be ldap(s) and Sieve(s) (port 2000).

I do not know about Aethera.

I believe a Kolab2 server is savely located in the DMZ and the LAN.
A common setup is to have it in the LAN and use an additional smtp gateway
over the DMZ.

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