Few questions about Kolab

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan-oliver.wagner at intevation.de
Fri Sep 16 14:55:10 CEST 2005

Hello Filip,

I can't answer all of your questions, but some ...

On Friday 16 September 2005 01:08, Radu Filip wrote:
> (1) Can Kolab work without involving e-mail at all?

No, because calender entries, notes, etc. are in fact stored as emails.
> (4) Do I really have to setup an OpenLDAP server? Can Kolab work with users (/etc/passwd) and not involve OpenLDAP at all?

Trying to use Kolab without OpenLDAP is pretty pointless.
> (5) While nobody can guess the future, is possible, what is the status of Kolab? It is still "helped" by
> Deutsche Government (or other big organization)? It is reached a critical mass and is going to stay here
> for a long time for now? Is it actively developed?  

It has never been "helped", it was contracted work.
This contracted development work was finished quite some time ago.

Yes, it is actively developed. 2.0.1 just released, 2.1 in preparation.
Yes, I think it will be there for a long time.

Currently, the user base grows faster than the number of paid developers
for doing the usually-not-so-funny base work.

Therefore, the Kolab Konsortium tries to ensure long term base work for Kolab solution with the
Kolab Konsortium Business Partner concept:



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