Kolab Server 2.0.1 released

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Wed Sep 14 21:37:58 CEST 2005

Kolab Server 2.0.1 hase been released

The biggest change in this release is the move to OpenPKG 2.4 as the basis for 
the kolab server.  This move is necessary to benefit from the security 
updates from OpenPKG as the version of OpenPKG used in Kolab Server 2.0.0 is 
not maintained anymore by the OpenPKG project.  As a result the new packages 
in this release fix some security problems present in the packages of the 
previous Kolab Server releases.  See the release notes (attached) for more 
details.  We recommend updating kolab installation to this new kolab server 

Other than security updates, there have been some bug fixes (see release 

   Bernhard Herzog
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Release notes Kolab2 Server
(Version 20050913, Kolab Server 2.0.1)

For upgrading and installation instructions, please refer to the
1st.README file in the source directory.

Since 2.0.1 RC1:

    - security fixes from OpenPKG:
        pcre-6.0-2.4.1                  OpenPKG-SA-2005.018
        fsl-1.6.0-2.4.1                 OpenPKG-SA-2005.018
        proftpd-1.3.0rc1-2.4.1          OpenPKG-SA-2005.020
        apache-1.3.33-2.4.1_kolab       OpenPKG-SA-2005.017

      because of the dependencies, some other packages were also updated.
      Others need to be explicitely rebuild because of static linking
      and the same version number:


    - imapd-2.2.12-2.4.0_kolab2

      * Fixing:
          Issue782 (setinfo for mailboxes in Admin.pm for Cyrus)
          Issue901 (reconstruct in Admin.pm or imapd calls wrong binaries)

    - kolabd-1.9.4-20050913

      * Fixing:
          Issue851 (kolabquotawarn uses system sendmail)
          Issue885 (kolabd creates shared folders in wrong directory)

    - kolab-resource-handlers-0.3.9-20050912

      * Fixing:
          Issue878 (fb retrieval only works with lowercase email addresses)

    - kolab-webadmin-0.4.0-20050831

      * Fixing:
          Issue915 (non-ascii not handled correctly in webadmin interface)

    - perl-kolab-5.8.7-2.0_20050912

      better logging when running kolabconf

Changes since 2.0:

    - Switch to OpenPKG 2.4.  As a result of this, practically all
      packages have been updated.

      Up to now the Kolab Server used OpenPKG 2.2.  The current release
      of OpenPKG is 2.4, though, and the OpenPKG project only provides
      security advisories and updates for the most recent release and
      its immediate predecessor.  Therefore moving to OpenPKG 2.4 is
      necessary to benefit from the OpenPKG updates.

      The db package has not been updated to the version from OpenPKG
      2.4 yet to avoid potential stability problems with OpenLDAP.

    - Security update for OpenPKG 2.4:
        zlib-1.2.2-2.4.2 OpenPKG-SA-2005.014 and OpenPKG-SA-2005.013

    - A new clamav package fixing a buffer overflow.
      This is the package mentioned in the kolab security advisory 02

    - better deletion handling.  Now more objects are deleted using
      kolabDeleteFlag (issues 845 and 855)

    - perl-kolab 5.8.5-20050530 -> 5.8.7-2.0_20050719

      * Fixing:
          Issue845 (groupOfNames cleanup handling)
          Issue855 (make shared folder and external deletion same as users)

    - kolab-webadmin 20050616 -> 20050620

      * Fixing:
          Issue845 (groupOfNames cleanup handling)
          Issue855 (make shared folder and external deletion same as users)

    - kolabd 20050615 -> 20050722

      * Fixing:
          Issue791 (automatic invitation handling uses http instead of https)
          Issue845 (groupOfNames cleanup handling)
          Issue851 (kolabquotawarn uses system sendmail)
          Issue855 (make shared folder and external deletion same as users)

    - kolab-resource-handlers 20050615 -> 20050727

      * Fixing:
          Issue825 (Bad error handling of kolabmailboxfilter)

$Id: release-notes.txt,v 2005/09/14 17:57:58 thomas Exp $
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