personal opinion.....

radoeka radoeka at
Fri Oct 28 09:20:09 CEST 2005

On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 06:04:50PM -0500, Joe Auty wrote:
> It sounds like the issue here, from a differing perspective, might be  
> something along the lines of:
> 1) dedicated "black box" for Kolab  vs.
> 2) Kolab coexisting on a machine that isn't dedicated to Kolab, and  
> already running various services (e.g. mail, Apache, etc.)
> I'm wondering: why does this decision have to be either or? Why not  
> work on a more modular Kolab that can be plugged into existing  
> infrastructures while simultaneously maintaining the OpenPKG  
> solution? I see great benefits to both approaches, and think that by  
> working on two distributions Kolab would be catering to a larger set  
> of needs.

Now, this is already being worked on.  Final things are to be worked
out.  It will take some more time, but hopefully, we have this in the
near future...


> On Oct 27, 2005, at 5:42 PM, Markus Heller wrote:
> >Hi Richard and all,
> >
> >
> >>I hope you realize that efforts are under way to get kolab ported  
> >>from
> >>openpkg to what you discribe above.  See,
> >>
> >>
> >>The only thing that you can do to speed this up, is by helping.  What
> >>distribution do you use?  But than again, at this moment not much can
> >>be done, as everything has been set in motion to complete the port.
> >>This does not include distro integration, that's up to you.
> >>
> >
> >Thanks so much for your reply. I really love the kolab approach.  
> >Otherwise I
> >would not have fought through all the betas and I would not have  
> >set up a
> >number of "hot" and operational systems, including for myself.
> >
> >I use Debian, and friends and I would really like to help. We have  
> >had a
> >number of discussions on how we could make maintainable debian  
> >packages out
> >of the current system which would be suited for integration in a  
> >regular
> >debian system.
> >
> >Friends and I also thought about writing a book on Kolab and we  
> >already had a
> >contract from a publishing house on our table, but we hesitated  
> >because of
> >the small chances that kolab will become THE most widely deployed  
> >groupware
> >server. We have a considerable collection of topics, but that  
> >really made us
> >stop for a while.
> >
> >I also see another drawback: There needs to be a CRM integration,  
> >possibly
> >with a system such as lxoffice. Interestingly, they also have a  
> >groupware,
> >which uses more or less exactly the same components as kolab. Of  
> >course, the
> >groupware functions are far from being so good as those in kolab.  
> >But I
> >really have some pain in my stomack when I see that everybody  
> >invents the
> >wheel again and again, and the projects fail to cooperate....
> >
> >But great to see the progress...!
> >
> >Best wishes,
> >Markus
> >
> >
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