Can't send mail to shared folders: kolab+shared.archiv at domain.tld

Alexander Maret-Huskinson alex at
Thu Oct 13 23:31:41 CEST 2005


Am Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2005 19:35 schrieb Bernhard Reiter:
> > I've now added "mail=kolab at ..." to the LDAP entry
> > "cn=admin,cn=internal,dc=domain,dc=tld". This lets me send E-Mails to
> > shared folders again.
> >
> > 1. Will the new mail attribute break anything else or even break security
> > of the Kolab Server?
> Where does mail to "kolab at ..." go?

It is first accepted and then bounces. The postfix log says:  "service 
unavailable. Command output: Failed to set recipient: Invalid response code 
received from server, code 550"

> Out of the top of my head I do not expect problems.

Great, then I'll stick to this solution.

> > 2. To which LDAP Entry does the attribute "mail=kolab at ..." belong to by
> > default (after a fresh 2.01 install)?
> Nowhere.
> I think we introduced this bug when we tried to make the postix server more
> secure, see Isse828 in the tracker.
> There should be a simpler way to fix this in just add "kolab@" to the local
> recipients table.

There is no postfix local recipient table in the default Kolab installtion, 
isn't there? "local_recipient_maps" point to "$virtual_maps" which again 
points to a virtual file and to the LDAP configs for distribution lists and 
normal/virtual users.

Just to get this right (in case I want to fallback to this solution), I would:

1. Change
		local_recipient_maps = $virtual_maps
		local_recipient_maps = $virtual_maps, hash:/kolab/etc/postfix/local

2. Create a "kolab at ..." entry in "/kolab/etc/postfix/local"
3. Create the postmap.
4. kolabconf

That should be all - or is there something else to do?


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