Ldap Replication: how and when?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard.reiter at intevation.de
Wed Oct 5 12:25:06 CEST 2005

Am Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2005 12:20 schrieb Fabio Pietrosanti:
> Bernhard Reiter ha scritto:
> >there is a raw-howto that might be helpful in your case:
> >http://kolab.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs-kolab.cgi/doc/raw-howtos/fix-ldap-databas
> >e-on-slave.txt
> Could be raw howtos make available on the kolab public website?
> Something like "misc documentations", instead of having to look inside
> the cvs.

You can find the raw-howtows on the main page already,
but looking at this, I think we can still improve this.
The old HOWTO section seems quite old, I could take it down
and move the raw-howtos to the "support" section and
add it to the documentation page.

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