Not Receieving Mail

drpoo at drpoo at
Mon Nov 21 00:18:58 CET 2005

Hello World. I'm new to Kolab, and i'm impressed so far. Except i'm stuck
banging my head now and i've hardly even started.

Briefly, my setup is a fresh install of Red Hat Fedora Core 4. I've Yum updated
it and it's running kernel 2.6.something. I'm running the latest version of KDE
3.4. something (i believe that's what it is)...etc. basically, i'm screaming
with the latest software.

I've set my local domain to be tux_box.drpooville and in my hosts file i put to this domain and to localhost. (the domains could be part of my
problem, the problem is i don't have very much experience with configuring
local perhaps if someone could give me a 'sure solution' for
testing, i could use that (for example, i guess i could try to keep my domain
at localhost.localdomain, but i don't see that as being any different than what
i have it at now...)

I've sucessfully installed Kolab 2.0 (kolabd-1.9.4-20050913.src.rpm), and i'm
using (the latest version--because there was
some bootstrap error that occured with the version released with the Kolab
source) Everything boots up just fine as far as i know.

Most things seem to work (as far as i've made it anyway). The Webadmin works,
i've created users and that sort of thing. I've setup Kontact to retrieve
through the Disconnected IMAP, and now after some time it does seem to 'sync'
the folders (there is Kolab Server->Inbox->Calendar, Contacts...etc).

I can send mail, so it seems...i get no errors, but i'm not convinced because
there are never any messages available on the Kolab Server. I've tried a lot of
times over the past couple days to send myself mail after fudging around with
settings here and there and searching online...everywhere! I don't know how to
be sure the mail has been sent, i've looked through logs but didn't see
anything promising (though i could have missed it...which logs should i look at
to see if the mail was sent properly)

A few things i've noticed. One, if i import any mail into Kontact, and add it to
the Kolab Index folder that is the parent of the Calendar, Contacts, etc, i get
an error that says...

"Error while uploading message
Could not upload the message dated 2003-12-17 16:08 from Donna McFarland
<dlm at> with subject "Re: Register to view student photos" on the
The destination folder was inbox, which has the URL
The error message from the server communication is here:
Message contains invalid header"

I'm assuming, based on the readings i've done, that the Kontact is trying to
sync the local folder with Kolab's, but something doesn't give...they don't
want to talk to each other. I think this problem is related to the one i've
mentioned about too, because the INBOX doesn't seem accessible.

Another thing is when i search out the user folders in Kolab, which are at
/kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/drpooville/user/cward, i find that there are
folders for Calendar, Contacts, Journal, etc, but there is no INDEX/Inbox
folder. hmmm.....should there be? I assume that the INDEX is the directory
noted above..but maybe there should be an Inbox folder?

If i add a Folder to the Kolab server, under index, it get synced just fine. For
example, now in /kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/drpooville/user/cward there is
Test when i add it in Kontact, but if i put any messages in that folder, it
throws the same error out at me.

When i run the Check Mail->Kolab Server, in the imapd log, the following shows
up. There is no obvious sign of error.

"Nov 20 16:59:43 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX
Nov 20 16:59:43 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX/Calendar
Nov 20 16:59:43 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX/Contacts
Nov 20 16:59:43 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX/Journal
Nov 20 16:59:44 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX/Notes
Nov 20 16:59:44 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX/Tasks
Nov 20 16:59:44 tux_box.drpooville <debug> imap[11279]: open: user
cward at drpooville opened INBOX/Test"

Also, in Kontact, i've configured my account to have 'kolab'
 as the Prefix to Folders. Without this, the server does not appear to be able
to sync up with Kolab: the inbox, and underneith it the Calender, Contacts,
Notes, etc, all do not show up unless i put 'kolab' as the prefix.

Hmmm, very strange. I setup a new user account, nosense at drpooville and
configured for it a new identity and account in Kontact (kmail). I DID NOT put
the kolab as the prefix and it synced up with a shared folder, but the
Contacts, Calendar, etc, folders did not appear (yes, groupware option to hide
folders is not clicked, the folders should be there->they are in the cward
account, although they don't appear to be functional). Then i added the kolab
to the acount options as the prefix...and the shared folder disapeared...and
the Contacts, etc folders still did not sync up...hmmmmm.....weird and very

And...that's where i'm at. I have everything running, so it seems. Yet nothing
works :-). Bascially what i'm trying to figure out right now is why messages
are not being retreived (or sent perhaps) and what is the deal with the
Uploading Error... when i put a message into the Kolabs folder...

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions...or questions...or rants, whatever,
please let me know.

Right now i'm compiling the bleeding edge Beta 5 to see if maybe that'll solve
my problems....i'll make sure to write back if i find a solution.



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