Error: Found smtp server running on Port 25

Hamish lists at
Thu May 26 18:57:09 CEST 2005

On Thursday 26 May 2005 12:42, Alexander Kravets wrote:
> Hi,
> i got the following error message after fresh installing kolab on suse 9.2
> enterprise
> /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b
> it's stop on smtp.
> Check for running webserver on port 80
> Check for running webserver on port 443
> Check for running imap server on port 143
> Check for running imap server on port 220
> Check for running imap server on port 585
> Check for running imap server on port 993
> Check for running pop3 server on port 109
> Check for running pop3 server on port 110
> Check for running pop3 server on port 473
> Check for running pop3 server on port 995
> Check for running smtp server on port 25
> Error: Found smtp server running on Port 25
> Check your installation!
> You must stop the service smtp server before running Kolab
> You may try to execute "/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop" initially
> Also i tried this one but it does not help /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all stop
> Can anyone help me please.
> Regards
> Alex

Hi Alex
Suse runs postfix by default, you need to stop it before running kolab, 
because kolab will also want to use port 25, and if postfix is already using 
it, it will fail.
Do this as root:
`rcpostfix stop`
`chkconfig postfix off`
that will stop postfix, and stop it from automatically starting when you 
After that, try to bootstrap again, and im sure you will have success.
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