Unable to send messages from Kolab 2

John C. Wilson john at sirprimus.com
Wed May 25 02:04:36 CEST 2005

This is the error I get when I try and send an e-mail from the Kolab server.


Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.


      Subject:    Test

      Sent: 5/21/2005 2:45 PM


The following recipient(s) could not be reached:


      'john at sirprimus.com' on 5/21/2005 2:45 PM

            554 <john at calvaryyouth.net>: Sender address rejected: Invalid



When I say that I am sending from the server, I don't literally mean from
that box.  I connect to the server from home using Outlook.  I am not on the
same network as the server.






-----Original Message-----

From: kolab-users-bounces at kolab.org [mailto:kolab-users-bounces at kolab.org]
On Behalf Of Hamish

Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 5:11 AM

To: kolab-users at kolab.org

Subject: Re: Unable to send messages from Kolab 2


On Tuesday 24 May 2005 10:16, Martin Konold wrote:

> Am Dienstag, 24. Mai 2005 03:32 schrieb John C. Wilson:


> Hi,


> > I have Kolab 2 running on Fedora Core 3.  Everything seems to run fine. 

> > I can use Outlook to connect to the server, I can send e-mails to users

> > of Kolab from external e-mail accounts.


> Good! This means that the SMTP server and the IMAP server are working.


> > I cannot send out e-mails from within

> > Kolab, to either external users or internal users.  Some help would be

> > appreciated.


> This pretty much depends on your network setup.


> Please check your web admin gui (using the manager account)


>     https://mail/admin/service/


> Maybe you have forgotten to define a smarthost?


> Regards,

> -- martin


It could also be an authentication problem, did you try and put your network

into Privileged Networks in the GUI (or mynetworks in postfix conf)? This 

will allow that network to send email without authentication. eg you could 

add to allow any ip in 192.168.1.x to send.

Hope that helps,


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