Horde passwd module for kolab
Andreas Gungl
Andreas.Gungl at osp-dd.de
Tue May 24 17:52:12 CEST 2005
On Tuesday 24 May 2005 13:54, Fabio Pietrosanti wrote:
> I attempted to configure it in several way but never had it working.
> Is the passwd of horde supported for changing password of kolab or the
> user ever need to use the kolab web interface instead of horde passwd?
It doesn't work this way. Nobody has worked on the passwd module to make it
interoperable with Kolab. You have to use the Kolab admin web interface.
If you seriously want to use Horde, you've to put quite an amount of effort
into it to fight all those small bugs or even edges which the users will
blame on the person who installed that frontend.
Currently you're in a better position using the fat clients. ;-)
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