kolab2_rc1 postfix and virtual domains

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Wed May 18 22:16:15 CEST 2005

On Monday 16 May 2005 11:45, Thomas Baumann wrote:
> Hello list,
> I use kolab2 rc1 with fedora core 2 for domain http://www.zyklopedie.de
> But I have following problem:
> If I want to receive mails to other hosted domains on that server
> they are rejected:
> postfix/smtpd[2883]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from  ... Relay access denied;
> from...
> Then I tried to put the additional domains in a file
> /kolab/etc/postfix/relay-domains
> and changed the /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/main.cf.template
> the line
> relay_domains = /kolab/etc/postfix/relay-domains
> After that I run /kolab/sbin/kolabconf and postfix was reloaded.
> Then I was able to receive mail for all domains specified in relay-domains.
> But when I send a mail to e.g. nosuchuser at mydomain then
> Postfix accepts the mail, instead of rejecting with "no mailbox available".
> A.
> Is there a way how to configure rejecting messages, where no user is
> defined in my kolab ldap directory ?

Instead of relay_domains, try the virtual domain.
Then you need to add a virtual transport lookup to rewrite all
emails that have a corresponding kolab user to the kolab maildomain.
The emails that do not get rewritten will bounce.

> B.
> Is there a way to edit the relay (or localdomains) from the kolab2 webgui ?

Not yet, if I understand your question correctly.
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