Problem with WebAdmin Interface after update beta 3 -> beta 4

Georg Lerch kidlark at
Thu Mar 31 17:12:07 CEST 2005

Bernhard Herzog wrote:
> Georg Lerch <kidlark at> writes:
>>I logged in as manager again and now I´m beeing no longer presented the
>>possibility to add users, change this or that.
>>What confuses me as well is:
>>User: manager | Role: user
> This is what happened to me when the new indices were added to the
> openldap configuration and I hadn't built them yet.  Stopping openldap,
> running slapindex and starting it again fixed it for me, though.
>    Bernhard

Hi Bernhard,

I've run slapindex again and this time it worked:

kidlinux:~# /kolab/etc/rc all stop
OpenPKG: stop: openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd, apache, clamav, dcron
OpenPKG: stop: imapd, postfix, proftpd, kolabd, fetchmail.
kidlinux:~# /kolab/sbin/slapindex --help
/kolab/sbin/slapindex: invalid option -- -
usage: slapindex [-v] [-c] [-d debuglevel] [-f configfile]
        [-n databasenumber | -b suffix]
kidlinux:~# /kolab/sbin/slapindex -v
indexing id=00000001
indexing id=00000002
indexing id=00000003
indexing id=00000004
indexing id=00000005
indexing id=00000006
indexing id=00000007
indexing id=00000008
indexing id=00000009
indexing id=0000000a
indexing id=0000000b
indexing id=0000000c
indexing id=0000000e
indexing id=0000000f
indexing id=00000010
indexing id=00000011
indexing id=00000012
indexing id=00000013
indexing id=00000014
kidlinux:~# /kolab/etc/rc all sart

Now I've administrative access to the webinterface again.
Perhaps w'll never know why it didn't work the first time.



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