Problem with WebAdmin Interface after update beta 3 -> beta 4

Georg Lerch kidlark at
Thu Mar 31 10:58:15 CEST 2005

At 10:24 31.03.05 +0200, you wrote:
>Am Donnerstag, 31. März 2005 01:10 schrieb Jim Philips:
> > I don't know the answer, but I'm seeing the same thing here.
>you both made some small mistake.

this might be but which small mistake?
i read the release notes, i read the README.1ST.
after upgrade and before "/kolab/etc/rc all start", I executed slapindex as 
described in the readme.1st.

so far no mistake i hope.

> > > What confuses me as well is:
> > >
> > > User: manager | Role: user
>This should read
>         User: manager | Role: admin

Yes, I think so too.

>Somehow it happened that the manager account got moved from the 
>to to the normal users branch of the LDAP tree.
>Please check with slapcat or a LDAP editor what happened.

Weather is bad anyway, no mountain biking tonight, some "man 
slapcat"-reading instead,

>-- martin

Well after all it's only a test installation. Perhaps i'll just delete the 
ldap dbs and I'll kolab_bootstrap -b the whole thing.



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