Problems with fresh kolab2 beta4 install

Santos santos at
Fri Mar 25 21:22:04 CET 2005

I just did a fresh install of Kolab2 beta4 on Centos3 (same as RHEL3). 
Just folowed the steps on except 
adding the kolab user, as i read somewhere, that it is no longer 
necessary. After doing the rc all start command apache and ldap didn't 

root at ltsp1 / pts/0# /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start
OpenPKG: start: openpkg, openldap, sasl, spamassassin, amavisd, 
openpkg:rc:WARNING: /kolab:apache:%start: failed with return code 1
openpkg:rc:NOTICE: output from stdout/stderr is following:
| /tmp/rc-20050325201501-8866/rc.tmp: line 196: return: can only 
`return' from a function or sourced script
OpenPKG: start: clamav, dcron, imapd, postfix, proftpd, kolabd.
root at ltsp1 / pts/0#

/var/log/messages shows lot of these:

Mar 25 20:15:06 ltsp1 C Error: Unable to connect to LDAP server 
Mar 25 20:15:07 ltsp1 C Warning: Unable to read configuration data from LDAP
Mar 25 20:15:07 ltsp1 kolabd[10426]: Kolab is starting up
Mar 25 20:15:07 ltsp1 perl: No worthy mechs found
Mar 25 20:15:10 ltsp1 kolabd[10426]: Y Error: Unable to authenticate 
with Cyrus admin interface, Error = `'

Am i missing something obvious or what?


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