Kolab2 beta3 + KDE 3.4.0 Kontact: Freebusy only returns data for user initiating query

Bernhard Herzog bh at intevation.de
Wed Mar 23 11:32:09 CET 2005

"Tom Hibbert" <tom at nsp.co.nz> writes:

> I have used the kolabwizard to configure my Kontact clients. Everything
> works fine apart from one thing: in korganiser, when I go to check
> freebusy data, eg in creating an appointment, I only see the data for
> the initiating user, not for anyone else I am trying to view even when
> they are on the same kolab server.

The free/busy data shown for the initiating user is created by Kontact
and is not fetched from the server at all.

> [error] PHP Warning:
> dba_open(/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/cache/pfbcache.db,rd): Driver
> initialization failed for handler: gdbm: File open error in
> /kolab/var/kolab/php/freebusy/freebusycache.class.php on line 156

Does the file /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/cache/pfbcache.db exist?  If
not it's likely that no kolab user has yet triggered pfb creation on the
server yet.  Kontact will trigger it during a sync when a calendar
folder has been modified in some way.  Does any of the users have events
stored on the server already?


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