Using kolab- LDAP Addressbook with Thunderbird

Georg Lerch kidlark at
Tue Mar 22 10:27:21 CET 2005

Martin Konold schrieb:
> Am Freitag, 18. März 2005 10:37 schrieb Georg Lerch:
> Hi Georg,
>>I will do as asked. I´m  hoping this will do the trick.
> Please keep us informed.
> Regards,
> -- martin
Hi Group,

the solution was:

- stop kolab
- delete all openldap files (test environment, not many users, no problem)
- delete the *.pem files in /kolab/etc/kolab
- kolab_bootstrap -b providing fqn and so on
- starting all kolabn servicec

(hostname -f says

configuring thunderbird ldap addressbook

Name: Kolab
Hostname: kidlinux (windows host with entry in hostfile)
Base DN: dc=kidlinux
Port-No.: 389
DN Bind: no entry

all other values are left as thunderbird default.

This worked, but when I klick offline and try to download the 
addressbook, no result.

What I stil don`t like, when entries in the addressbook are beeing 
displayed, the order is First Name -  Last Name,
for esample:
Hans Mustermann
Thorsten Testmann

I usualy know my buisiness contacts by last name, But I could not change 
  this. But this is perhaps more a Thunderbird than a Kolab topic.



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