IMAP direct

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Mon Mar 21 11:25:40 CET 2005

On Friday 18 March 2005 02:45, Charles Johnson wrote:
> Simply choose an appropriate domain or better get a domain registered.
> As soon as you want to exchange emails with the internet you need a domain
> anyway.
> Well as i mentioned elsewhere, we *do* have a domain (, but
> that has no real relevance to our LAN as it is hosted elsewhere, as indeed
> is the case with a lot of (most?) small organizations in the UK

But this means that you _do_ have a domain.
You could just invent some machine names in your LAN
and then use this for a kolab domain.
When setting up any mail server, you always need to think about how to get
email in and out and when you send email out, you need to send it from
a real address. So why not think of a design like:

for kolab, which a machine for Kolab
use the real email addresses and then make the emails getting
forwarded to a smart host of the provider or anything like this.

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