Kolab Setup Problem -- maildomain (Re: IMAP direct)

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Mon Mar 21 11:22:37 CET 2005

Hi Charles,
we do get closer to the root of the problem I guess.
Note that Martin's comments are correct in order to send email,
your organisation will have to use a domain name in one or the other way.

On the other hand, if you do not want to directly connect to the internet, 
it does not matter which names and domains your use for your machines.
To give you an example, at intevation we have a network for testing,
those machine also have names like    x.test.top  y.test.top.
Of course, we do not own the domain "test.top", but internally 
those machines use them. Our Kolab setup then has dc=test,dc=top
with master x.test.top and slave y.test.top.

On Friday 18 March 2005 17:51, Charles Johnson wrote:
> Check and post here:
> /kolab/sbin/slapcat | grep postfix-maildomain
> No output

Sorry,  my fault: it is postfix-mydomain
that value at your installation is
     postfix-mydomain: mail

That means your maildomain is called "mail".

> /kolab/sbin/slapcat | grep mail:

btw: the colon above was part of the command.
I wanted to check the values of the mail: attribute.

> http://proteanit.solohelp.com/tmp/slapcat-grep-mail.txt

242:mail: charles at airemail

The mail attribute of your user 
226:dn: cn=Charles Johnson,cn=groups,dc=mail
227:kolabHomeServer: airemail

does not fix the maildomain.
Try to create a user with an email name:
     charles at mail

Also it would be nice if aremail.mail
would work for the homeserver.

> http://proteanit.solohelp.com/tmp/slapcat-numbered.txt

(Warning: This file contains hashed passwords of your testinstallation.
Usually that should not be published.)

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