Using kolab- LDAP Addressbook with Thunderbird

Georg Lerch kidlark at
Fri Mar 18 10:37:40 CET 2005

Hamish schrieb:
> Did you put (objectclass=*) in the search filter? I found this was the only 
> way for it to work for me - also, you need to search to actually see any 
> addresses: it does not show the entire address book by default. (You can also 
> turn on autocomplete for LDAP directories, I think this is in "Composition 
> and Addressing")

yes, (objectclass=*) is default. Martin Kronold posted, that the problem 
is not ldap, but my kolab onfiguration.
I quote:
"Please setup your machine correctly using a valid hostname _and_ a 
valid domain name. (sofar you are missing the domain name)"

I will do as asked. I´m  hoping this will do the trick.



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