Kolab2 Slapd hanging - master/slave replication issues

Dieter Kluenter dieter at dkluenter.de
Thu Mar 17 18:03:08 CET 2005


Martin Konold <martin.konold at erfrakon.de> writes:

> Am Dienstag, 15. März 2005 11:39 schrieb Dieter Kluenter:
> Hi Dieter,
> > >> - indices in slapd.conf
> > >
> > > index   objectClass     eq
> > > index   uid             eq
> > > index   mail            eq
> > > index   alias           eq
> >
> > I would add a presence index (pres) as you rarely do a equality
> > search. After adding pres rebuild your database with slapindex(8)
> Can you please explain this a little bit more?

A equality index allows to check wether the searched attribute value is equal
to the entry value, a presence index allows to search wether the attribute is
present in the database and a substring (sub) index allows to search with
substrings, that is wildcards. The substring my have three different search
strings, sub_initial, substring_any  and sub_final. Any substring search must
provide at least 3 characters. To give an example:
searching for 'cn=klu*' should result in 'cn=kluenter' and any other string
which value starts with 'klu',
searching for 'cn=klu*ter' should result in 'cn=kluenter' and any other string
that starts with 'klu' and end with 'ter'.
searching for 'cn=*nte*' should result in 'cn=kluenter' and any other string
that contains 'nte'.


for more information.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID:01443B53

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