Beta3 upgrade and webclient heads up

Hamish lists at
Thu Mar 17 14:28:31 CET 2005

On Thursday 17 March 2005 06:48, Stephan Buys wrote:
> Please test if you can still change password for a user using the Kolab
> Admin interface after logging in using Horde.
> If not, please report a bug.

I dont know if this is a Horde or a Kolab bug, so I will post here, if you 
want me to submit as kolab bug, just ask and I'll put it there:

Create user Fred the frog UID zzzz at
Login as zzzz at to web gui
Change pass - works fine
Log in to horde as zzzz at out
Log in as zzzz at to web gui
Change pass - error:

LDAP Error: Could not modify object cn=fred the frog,dc=mydomain,dc=com: 
Object class violation

Kolab beta3, horde from cvs 4:30GMT 16.mar.2005

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