[Kolab-users] Kolab upgrade problem

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Wed Mar 16 08:31:08 CET 2005

On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 05:51:54PM -0500, Zachariah Mully wrote:
> 	Today I tried upgrading to beta3 and I pooched something in the
> obmtool.conf file that prevented it from compiling apache or php. I
> can't figure out how to get obmtool to retry compiling those two
> packages, when I run #./obmtool kolab all it does is try to install the
> binarys again. Is there something like #make clean for obmtool? Or a
> better way to get it to compile those packages?

move the binary packages away. If they are not found, compilation
should start.


Jan-Oliver Wagner               http://intevation.de/~jan/

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