Kolab beta 3 and sieve problem
Alessio Cecchi
alessio at skye.it
Tue Mar 15 18:33:06 CET 2005
I'm upgraded to kolab beta 3 (rm -fr /kolab/ and re-install all).
Create a new user and log in admin interfaces with the new users, Ok but
when i click on "vacation" the system slow down. With top i see some
process <defunct> like :
timsieved <defunct> and imapd
I see that log files are very big:
/kolab/var/imapd/log# ls -lh
total 743M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 434M 2005-03-15 18:30 master.log
-rw-rw-rw- 1 kolab-r kolab-r 308M 2005-03-15 18:30 misc.log
/kolab/var/imapd/log# tail master.log
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <debug> master[23210]: about to exec /kolab/bin/imapd
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <error> master[10624]: process 23210 exited,
signaled to death by 11
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <warning> master[10624]: service imap pid 23210 in
READY state: terminated abnormally
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <debug> master[23211]: about to exec /kolab/bin/imapd
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <error> master[10624]: process 23211 exited,
signaled to death by 11
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <warning> master[10624]: service imap pid 23211 in
READY state: terminated abnormally
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <debug> master[23212]: about to exec /kolab/bin/imapd
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <error> master[10624]: process 23212 exited,
signaled to death by 11
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <warning> master[10624]: service imap pid 23212 in
READY state: terminated abnormally
Mar 15 18:31:14 scbs <debug> master[23213]: about to exec /kolab/bin/imapd
/kolab/var/imapd/log# tail misc.log
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <critical> imap[25306]: incorrect version of
Berkeley db: compiled against 4.2.52, linked against 4.3.27
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <error> imap[25306]: Fatal error: wrong db version
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <critical> imap[25308]: incorrect version of
Berkeley db: compiled against 4.2.52, linked against 4.3.27
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <error> imap[25308]: Fatal error: wrong db version
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <critical> imap[25310]: incorrect version of
Berkeley db: compiled against 4.2.52, linked against 4.3.27
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <error> imap[25310]: Fatal error: wrong db version
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <critical> imap[25312]: incorrect version of
Berkeley db: compiled against 4.2.52, linked against 4.3.27
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <error> imap[25312]: Fatal error: wrong db version
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <critical> imap[25314]: incorrect version of
Berkeley db: compiled against 4.2.52, linked against 4.3.27
Mar 15 18:31:38 scbs <error> imap[25314]: Fatal error: wrong db version
Why this? No i must restart kolab enviroment.
Alessio Cecchi ++ www.skye.it
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