[Fwd: obmtool log files]

Ivor ivor at mediahost.co.za
Wed Mar 2 14:43:12 CET 2005

Hi Bernhard,

    You could check in the  /tmp/obmtool.6229.tmp file to
    see what commands it was trying to execute?

I can not find any file by this name. 
Here are the two log files I found:


    obmtool:kolab:NOTICE: restart 2005-03-02 11:15:10
    obmtool:kolab:NOTICE: restart 2005-03-02 12:27:47
    obmtool:kolab:NOTICE: restart 2005-03-02 12:31:13
    obmtool:kolab:NOTICE: restart 2005-03-02 13:19:22
    obmtool:kolab:NOTICE: restart 2005-03-02 13:19:26
    obmtool:kolab:NOTICE: restart 2005-03-02 13:19:30


    OpenPKG 2.2-SOLID Source Bootstrap Package, version 2.2.1
    Building for prefix /kolab on current platform
    ++ extracting OpenPKG source distribution
    openpkg-2.2.1-2.2.1.src.sh:ERROR: failed to unpack into directory

Thanks for your help.



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