Imapsync with Kolab

Roy Hoobler roy at
Thu Jun 23 16:23:46 CEST 2005

Kolab 2 is working great (I've been installing it sense Beta 1 ro 2).
Now I have a client and need to copy his SLOX (IMAP) folders to Kolab.
I got imapsync and it seems to work (needed to make perl a sym link 
to /kolab/bin/perl).

It is giving me an error saying:
FROM folder INBOX : Error sending "select INBOX" to IMAP.  It seems that the 
FROM folder is okay but not the "to" folder.  I've also tried prefixing it 
with KOLAB, if that makes any difference.  Could it be that it is case 


Roy Hoobler
Connect Computing Inc
IT Consulting for Business

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