KONSEC Konnektor 1 released

Joerg Weissleder joerg.weissleder at konsec.com
Wed Jun 22 15:37:37 CEST 2005

We are pleased to announce that KONSEC Konnektor 1 was released today.

The german version is available for download at

The english version will be available within a few days.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or want
to provide feedback to our development team.

Best Regards,

Jörg Weißleder
KONSEC  GmbH    | Jörg  Weißleder | T: 0711-253838-0
Wollgrasweg  27 | Geschäftsführer | F: 0711-253838-25
70599 Stuttgart | www.konsec.com  | M: jw at konsec.com

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