Kolab-users Digest, Vol 16, Issue 22

Giovanni Baroni baroni at datacomm.ch
Sat Jun 18 13:27:41 CEST 2005

Hello John
I thought first the same like you.
Actually i changed my mind and see it as a big advantage:
Develepers are more efficient cause of a isolatet unique environment who 
runs on most plattforms.
I also seldom saw sharing config files and stuff from the packages, 
cause the most are using their defaults.

I like the idea to isolate E-Mail and Groupware Services from the rest.

Actually im building a ServerSolution with an integrated Groupware for 
some nonprofit organisations.
I really like to have seperate apache2, Ldap, FTP, php ....  services 
running on the same system.
With this setup  im free to handle the packetmanagement and Updates. I 
haven't to mix the configfiles together.
Im not limited to use the standart Services from kolab.
For me a big time saver.

a little disadvantage is that it doesnt can profit from a fast security 
packet-updatemanagement like debian has.


>Message: 2
>Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 15:20:06 -0500
>From: "John C. Wilson" <john at sirprimus.com>
>Subject: Kolab 2, Installing in an existing network environment
>To: <kolab-users at kolab.org>
>Message-ID: <20050617202014.8A67036EDF at mail.intevation.de>
>Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
>Hi All,
>	I have been watching the development of Kolab for some time now and
>I have come to the conclusion that this can be a great product.  As a stand
>alone service, it thing it does well but to use this in an existing
>environment, it looses its appeal.  The reason for this is that Kolab it too
>bundled.  It doesn't integrate well with existing services like LDAP,
>Apache, PHP, etc.

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