Kolab toltec and folders type

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Jun 14 21:21:18 CEST 2005

On Monday 13 June 2005 18:01, Gabriel janicot wrote:
> on kolab 2 RC2 and toltec RC3.
> when i share a calendar folder: this folders is view on the others hosts
> like an email folders ..
> how to resolve this probleme.

Actually if you create a calendar folder, this should set an
annotation for the folder on the server,
so that other clients know that this is a calendar.
Technically it is still an email folder
and it should stay on one host.

What is the second client that you are using?

> PS :  i'm french and my english speaking is very bad... I'm sorry.

No problem, my French is non-existant.
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