OpenLDAP on Linuxtag

Dieter Kluenter dieter at
Sun Jun 12 23:15:10 CEST 2005


the annual Linuxtag will start on
22nd. June. The OpenLDAP Foundation will have a booth at this
conference. Obviously the focus will be placed on the new release
OpenLDAP-2.3 and the new configuration backend. In addition to this

- back-ldap with proxycache
- OpenLDAP as database backend for DNS BIND-9.3
- SASL authentication with ldapdb
- OpenLDAP as backend for PKI keys

are shown. 
I personally will be at the OpenLDAP booth and would like to extend the
presentation to the integration of OpenLDAP into the Kolab Project.
Whoever has the chance to visit us at Karlsruhe is wellcome at the
OpenLDAP booth to discuss individual issues regarding Kolab and


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID:01443B53

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