Fetchmail and Kolab (again)

Oliver Wiemer o.wiemer at audiovisuellemedien.de
Sun Jun 12 05:42:35 CEST 2005

Am Samstag 11 Juni 2005 10:43 schrieb Pieter Botha:
> Hi,
> I cant seem to find a howto or some docs regarding setting up a link
> between kolab and fetchmail.
> At this point I think there is imap mail boxes(think it is cyrus) which is
> used by kolab which is then displayed on the client side.
> How can I export the fetchmail or move it into this cyrus boxes as it
> arrives via fetchmail?

Hi Peter,

it works great.
I use fetchmail and kolab.

I think you have pop accounts to fetch your mails.
Do do this so:

my fetchmail rc
set postmaster "root"

poll 217.20.xxx.xxx with proto POP3
user o.wiemer at audiovisuellemedien.de with password xxx
is o.wiemer at audiovisuellemedien.de
options fetchall

poll 217.20.xxx.xxx with proto POP3
user debian at audiovisuellemedien.de with password xxx
is "debian at audiovisuellemedien.de"
options fetchall
and so on

the smtp server works with pop befor smtp

so i ad the line defer_transports = smtp 
in /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/main.cf.template

now reload postfix
/kolab/sbin/postfix reload

an now i have a script who fetch the mails and flush postfix
i start the script with an cronjob

fetchmail  -a -f /root/fetchmailrc
/kolab/sbin/postfix flush

edit crontab with

contab -e
add this line
0,20,30,40,50,0 7-23 * * * /path_to_script/mailer.sh

save the cronjob
Type EXC x

Now your system should work.
I hope this is what you are looking for.

Good night

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