Kolab install Problems

Oliver Wiemer o.wiemer at audiovisuellemedien.de
Wed Jun 1 16:20:16 CEST 2005

Hello ZigZAg,

do this

su -
enter passwd

mv /kolab /kolabtemp
cd /kolabtemp
sh obmtool kolab
#only RH based systems
chkconfig sendmail off
/etc/init.d/sendmail stop

# now start bootstrap
/kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b

Please enter Hostname [oliver.wiemer.lan]: -> do this

Do you want to set up (1) a master Kolab server or (2) a slave [1] (1/2): 
press return

Please enter your Maildomain [wiemer.lan]: -> do this

Please choose a manager password [aMiRicGO0zF8IHz/]: -> do this

Enter fully qualified hostname of slave kolab server e.g. thishost.domain.tld 
[empty when done]: -> press return

Do you want to create CA and certificates [y] (y/n): press y

Enter organization name [Kolab]: do this or press return
Enter organizational unit [Test-CA]: press return

CA certificate filename (or enter to create) -> press return

Enter PEM pass phrase: -> do this
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: -> do this

Enter pass phrase for /kolab/etc/kolab/ca/private/cakey.pem: -> do this
Verify pass phrase for /kolab/etc/kolab/ca/private/cakey.pem: -> do this

/kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start

login with https://localhost/admin/

User is manager
Password from your entry.

i hope it works.

By olli

> i have fedora 3 on my pc and i am trying to install kolab 2, but i am
> having problems installing it. 1> i am logged in as user
> [zain at localhost.kolab] not as  root and cannot mount the cd rom, in fact i
> have a cd writer i would not know if it makes a difference in command.
> 2>when i give it a mount command : mount cdrom , it come with an error cant
> find cdrom in  /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab, so i cannot copy files. i went into
> fedora and copied the files from cd onto a file i created as kolab. 3>i go
> to the terminal screen and it auto comes up with [zain at localhost] , i then
> cd to kolab that i created [zain at localhost kolab]  and run the sh ./obmtool
> kolab command and come up with the following errors
> [zain at localhost kolab]$ ./obmtool kolab
> ----boot/build localhost.localdomain %kolab----
> mkdir : cannot create directory '/kolab' : permission denied
> obmtool : warning : directory "/kolab/rpm/src" does not exist after attempt
> to create it. obmtool : warning : directory "/kolab/rpm/src" not writable
> rm : cannot remove 'kolab/rpm/src/.writetest' : no such file or directory

Oliver Wiemer	
audiovisuelle medien
Kirchenweg 7
89358 Kammeltal
Tel:   +49 8223 90903
Mobile +49 171 2755826
o.wiemer at audiovisuellemedien.de

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