Toltec connector and exceptions to recurring events

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed Jun 1 09:47:55 CEST 2005

Hi Helge,

On Tuesday 31 May 2005 00:15, Helge Hess wrote:

> IMHO the uid/recurrence-id is quite important in the real world
> (and btw explicitly mentioned/supported in CalDAV). Maybe you can
> somehow workaround using the CalDAV approach (storing multiple
> vevents in memory under a single uid)?

my design approach would be to solve the problem in the client,
but that again needs a careful approach. In my view many recurrence
rules are quite complicated, so there will be a simpler solution.

[Probably topic for kolab-devel or kolab-format, depending on the focus
of implementation or design.]

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