AW: how can I create shared folders in kolab2

Sven Gehr sven at
Wed Jul 27 13:40:15 CEST 2005

Am Mi 27.07.2005 06:55 schrieb Dieter Soost <dieter at>:


> > My kontact can't subscribe this shared folder, why?

> Did you set the rights below the page ?

> There are two fields in multiple lines.
> First shoud contain: "all" - "read"
> In the next lines (apearing if you save the first line), you can
> specify
> mai-accounts ("me at mydomain") with some other rights (look drop down).

yes. I set the following:

name:        share
position:    myserver.mydomain

ACL          anyone/all
ACL          sven at mydomain

is this ok?


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