[Kolab and Kontact] Error uploading folder

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Fri Jul 22 23:32:18 CEST 2005

On Thursday 30 June 2005 13:33, Thomas Off wrote:

> I'm using Kontact 1.1.1/KDE 3.4.1 on Kubuntu and Koloab 2 Stable as my
> server. Everything works well except that everytime I'm checking my mail
> accounts, Kontact shows me an erro message saying it can't upload one of
> the folders for Kolab to the server.
> Did anyone else have this problem and solve it? As I said, it works but the
> error message is pretty annoying.

If this is one specific folder,
you probably have a messed up index.
Try the right mouse button click and the
trouble shooting menu. Rebuild the index there.
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