kolab2 2.0 + kontact - can't get it to work...

Thomas Ribbrock admin_slox-e at itsef.com
Wed Jul 6 09:41:24 CEST 2005

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 07:52:08AM +0200, Andreas Gungl wrote:
> Some things to test before going on might be:
> - check the ACLs to the resource folders in KMail - show the folders via 
> KMail Settings -> Misc -> Groupware -> !( Hide groupware folders ) and use 
> the context menu of the folders Properties -> Access Control

Checked all of them - on both machines for both testusers all those
folders have "all" as permissions.

> - try copying some messages into that folders which should work (but make 
> sure to remove them again)

Yup, can do that without any problems.

> - watch the message count of the folders when creating an event or a task

The message count on those folders does not change when I make a new
event, be it an appoinement, a ToDo or a journal. I've set "automatic
save" to 1minute and I've manually selected "Save" after each creation.
I also can see no activity whatsoever in either the webserver log or the
freebusy log on the server - it looks as if kontact just isn't sending
anything. <sigh> kolab looks just *so* promising, but I *have* to get
the client to work. :-/



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