fetchmail does not inject into kolab

Richard Bos radoeka at xs4all.nl
Mon Jul 4 11:06:30 CEST 2005

The last days I have been setting up and playing with using kontact from 
kde-3.4.1.  Of course I met some difficulties  as I otherwise would not have 
this email.  Hopefully there is somebody on the list that can guide me and to 
get my problems  resolved.

1) I don't seem to be able to inject emails hosted by my ISP into kolab using 
fetchmail.  I followed the instructions on the wiki:

Neither of them work for me....  That's to say I had the emails once going 
into kolab, but I was not able to repeat it.  I use the following command:
# fetchmail --all --keep -f /etc/fetchmailrc

And in /etc/fetchmailrc I have:
# cat /etc/fetchmailrc
poll pop3.ISP.nl proto pop3
user LOGIN password PASSWORD is rbos at atlas.radoeka.nl options fetchall 

(LOGIN and PASSWORD are (of course) fake), the real ones work but differs from 
the kolab account.

This results in:
# fetchmail --all --keep -f /etc/fetchmailrc
3 messages for arbeek at pop3.ISP.nl (9977 octets).
reading message LOGIN at pop.ISP.nl:1 of 3 (2899 octets) .. not flushed
reading message LOGIN at pop.ISP.nl:2 of 3 (2511 octets) .. not flushed
reading message LOGIN at pop.ISP.nl:3 of 3 (4567 octets) .... not flushed

With ethereal I can see that the smtp session is started up and messages are 
being transferred.  What can be the reason that I don't see/receive the 
message in kontact/kmail?  What to check, how?  Should I set an email alias 
for LOGIN at pop.ISP.nl?

2) I tried to create folders directly under kolab-server, using kontact.  This 
seems to work, but once I start to retrieve emails kontact comes with an 
error message from server stating that: I don't have permissions to to create 
a folder on the server.  Is that as designed?

I am able to create folders under kolab-server/inbox, but that is not what I 

Richard Bos
Without a home the journey is endless

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